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U-731 - By All Means... (Black Plagve: Infect10)
Simultaneously the debut and swan song for this California based project of Gordon Lazarus, known previously for his work as Defiler and soon to be United Front. For "By All Means...", we find him continuing the path laid down by his previous project, only upping the paranoia and abject sense of hopelessness and negativity. Make no bones about it, this is a bleak release, and it’s no surprise he’s employed the services of like-minded roster mates John Stillings of Steel Hook Prostheses and Andy Grant of The Vomit Arsonist. The sound is not all that dissimilar to either act, only this seems to slow everything down to an even more morose level (if that’s possible), where distortion drenched waves of morbid frequencies waft underneath layers of gristle and murky atmospheres. Drowsy, lethargic voices and samples drift in and out of the mix, gaining momentum as it segues into more demented and antagonistic realms, the intensity ratcheted up as the tones become more sinister and agitated. Near the end, as Grant makes his appearance in both F.E.M.A. Care and By All Means, this reaches a near boiling point, before ending in the final moments of Suo Gan/Last Rights, where an angelic chorus is offset by the resonating sounds of explosives and deep reverberations. In 4 panel digipak, mastered by Steel Hook Audio and designed by Mories/Gnaw Their Tongues. Lmtd 500 copies.. $5.0
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Ulvestad - Fall CD (Cyclic Law: 164thCycle)
Known for his collaborative work with Svartsinn as well as his work with Wordclock (Cryo Chamber), cellist and composer Amund Ulvestad presents some of his more obscure ambient and textural works in this debut album. Originally created for the theatre stage, later reworked and deepened, Ulvestad’s musical world stretches from the misty and ethereal to an intensely physical, almost violent presence. Drawing from material such as Hamsun’s mysterious Pan, the old Irish song Aisling Gheal, and from contemporary texts on death and the moments gone to Norse ideas of youth, these musical works reflect a rich textual tradition on life and death. Edition of 300 copies on 6 panel digisleeve, matt lamination. 4 tracks. Running Time 41:30. $14.5
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Umpio - Molestrol CD (Freak Animal: UmpioM01)
New 2020 album Finnish supreme harsh noise. More electronics, more modular patches, more room sounds than line-recordings. Some unreleased archive noise sources thrown in mix. Sharp, crystalline quality, yet noisy and harsh at the same time! Umpio always delivers noise that radiates energetic force.. $13.99
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Uncodified - Hardcore Methodology (Old Europa Café: OECD203)
In the past few years, Corrado Alteri (Candor Chasma, Monosonik, TH26)’s has been making quite a name for himself with his loudest project, thanks to the complex and highly differentiated styles of each release, always hoisting the banner of abrasive post-industrial experimentation. Cold experimental atmospheres, concrete sounds, analog violence, pure industrial wreckage and full frontal power electronics are the many different ingredients that make Hardcore Methodology a real manifesto that shows the many faces and skills of Uncodified, though credit must also go to the collaboration with acclaimed and notorious projects and individuals like Simon Balestrazzi (TAC, Candor Chasma, etc.), Marco Wertham’s CALIGULA031 , Paolo Bandera’s SShe Retina Stimulants, Bologna Violenta and Gianluca Favaron. With the help of these fellow gentlemen, Altieri successfully assembles his work by constantly comparing its compositions to the methodology used by directors of Hardcore movies, obsessively following the same flow and scenes visualization by means of the constantly-changing structures of his work.. $13.5
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Uncodified - Vindicta II (Old Europa Café: OECD201)
After one year from the first chapter, UNCODIFIED (feat. Corrado Altieri of Candor Chasma, Monosonik, etc.) and WERTHAM (feat. Marco Deplano of Caligula031 and Foresta di Ferro) return with the second chapter of the “Vindicta” trilogy , once again focusing on Sardinian criminal history and culture. The sound slightly turned into more constructed high voltage power electronics, with stronger industrial structures and pulsating bass frequencies that do not betray the expectations of the previous installment. The two projects blend their experience into an avalanche of analog sounds, distorted synths, extensive use of samples and agonizing vocals that scream in Sardinian, Italian and English. The concept slightly moves from the blood-feud/knife obsessive themes of the first work, toward the aftermath of the war between families that lead the protagonist of our tale to turn into a feral life style on impenetrable mountains, “living like boars and sleeping like foxes”, until his capture and subsequent confinement in the notorious Boncammino’s jail. The solitude of the forced mountain life meet the despair of 30 years of life in a cage of the notorious legal lager. 8 tracks, digipack, with a rich booklet with illustrations and text translated into English, “Vindicta II” is mastered by Simon Balestrazzi (TAC, Candor Chasma, etc.). Another collaboration betwene Old Europa Café and Marco’s label “Elettronica Radicale Edizioni”.. $13.66
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Uncodified/Satanismo Calibro 9 - Adamant Orgon Ritual (Old Europa Café: OECD187)
Dark, obsessive and morbid atmospheres mixing the surreal and ritualistic sounds of SC9 with the mid-frequency churn and pulsating distortion of Uncodified. Lo-fi, unpolished, unfettered darkness. Lmtd 300.. $13.66
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United Electronics - :Movement II: CDr (Reverse Records UK: RRUK038)
"This is the fourth release (Third album) by UK / US Industrial act; UNITED ELECTRONICS. Part II of the 'Movement' series. Expect a cold Death Industrial offering, Martial Industrial, Power Electronicsand Dark Ambient.". $5.0
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United Front - By All Means II (The Fall of Church and State) CD (Malignant: TumorCD121)
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