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Nadja/Troum - Dominium Visurgis (Transgredient: TR-07)
This is something you could call a “dreamlike liaison”. When the Canadian “avant metal / drone doom”-duo Nadja (who cite Troum as one of their early influences) and the German post-industrial / experimental drone pioneers Troum combine their exceptional styles, they form something even vaster as usually known from them.These three long collaboration tracks were recorded as a result of a spontaneous improvisation in April 2008 “live in the studio” near the Weser-river in Bremen, Germany, and suck you in with their powerful & emotional drone melancholy that works in many micro-& macrocosmic ways, using electric & acoustic guitars, bass, accordeon, drum-machine & voice. –. $8.0
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Naevus - Relatively Close to the Sea (Hau Ruck!: HR!91)
For their sixth Naevus album, Londoners Lloyd James and Joanne Owen were joined by their regular drummer John Murphy (Knifeladder, Death In June). The album also features contributions from Greg Ferrari (Womb), Joanna Quail (SonVer), Matt Howden (Sieben; and Arthur Shaw (Cutty Sark). Many of the tracks here have already been performed live at recent Naevus festival appearancese. However, the tracks on offer branch out in a range of other directions; existential pop, murder balladry, slide guitar and lo-fi synths, progressive influences (Hawkwind, Pink Floyd, etc.) and John Cale-esque piano pounding. Packaged in a digipak with 12 page booklet.. $5.0
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Nastrond - Celebration of the Four CD (Zazen Sounds: ZZS003)
Nåstrond's 'Celebration of the Four' sees it's official re-release almost 20 years after it's original recording back in 1996. This masterpiece of Ritualistic Dark Ambient will now be available for the first time on pro-printed CD format in a joint effort with Zazen Sounds.The album was never released by Nåstrond's label Napalm Records, which was intended to be published after the 'Age of Fire' album. The material was later on remixed and made available in 2004 as a limited hand-made edition released through Nåstrond Productions. To this day, very few copies are in existance and they have been extremely rare to come by. Nåstrond are proud to finally mark their legendary album through this publishing with additional descriptions of the content describing the ritual of the four elements. The repress is adorned with new artwork made exclusively for this release.. $6.0
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Navicon Torture Technologies - Your Suffering Will Be Legendary 2CD (Malignant: TumorCD60)
This is not a return from the grave for Navicon Torture Technologies, but rather a proper re-issue of the bonus CD's that came as part of 2009's Gospels of the Gash boxset. Consisting of 18 collaboration tracks and remixes, these two discs boast a tracklist featuring phenomenal artists both obscure and infamous, who have joined forces with NTT to construct an epic display of undulating drones and visceral screams.Once again, NTT blurs the lines between the brutish intensity of power electronics and introspective dark ambient contemplations. The list of collaborators includes:Deutsch Nepal, Eidulon, Herbst9, Jarboe, Kristoffer Nystroms Orkester, The [Law-Rah] Collective, Troum, Aun, Black Sun, and many others. Active since 1997, Lee Bartow has solidified himself as one of the foremost composers of angst ridden power electronics and dark ambient/industrial sounds. Following the 2CD set "Gospels of the Gash", Navicon was officially laid to rest, but Lee has since reincarnated himself in the highly regarded project, Theologian, where he continues to push the boundaries of extreme sonics. In luxurious fold out DVD Digipak, designed by Jorden Haley.. $8.0
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NDE - United CD (Cold Spring: CSR247)
Praise my fame, my violent heart. "United (Through Iron And Blood)" is NDE's third album and sees a return to the harsher sounds of their debut, "Krieg Blut Ehre Asche". Deranged Black Metal vocals over uncompromising, blood-soaked death industrial, rhythmic power noise, and claustrophobic power electronics. "United" is NDE's strongest 'song-based' album to date, with assured harsh dancefloor fillers. "Sons of truth gather now, colour your hands with their blood...". For devotees of Trepaneringsritualen, Consumer Electronics, Propergol, Navicon Torture Technologies, Genocide Organ.. $6.0
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Negru Pvlse - Fervere (UR Muzik: UR009)
An album that was long in the making. The creative minds of Mathias Josefson (Moljebka Pvlse) and Peter Nyström (Negru Voda, ex-Megaptera) join forces again to return 13 years after their first album Madeira (2002, Old Europa Cafe). Fervere in Latin stands for ‘boil’ or ‘seethe’ and these expressions accurately capture the one hour content of Negru Pvlse’s sophomore release: dark, dense and often rhythmic soundwaves that Megaptera’s mastermind is known for and the unique and more dreamy ambient parts by Mathias Josefson. The whole, however, presents itself as a distinct and independent work of a fully developed band, and not as a mere collaboration. Fervere is a complex yet highly addictive work that will make you realize the long wait was well worth it!. $7.0
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Nekrasov - Cognition of Splendid Oblivion (Siege of Power: SOP003)
3rd full length from this one man Australian project, best known 'round these parts for the split LP with Aderlating. Horrifying black noise meets terrifyingly raw, blasting black metal chaos. Together, the whole thing is just a crushing deluge of mayhem and dark insanity. Beautiful fold out 6 panel digipak.. $5.0
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Nekrasov - The Ever-Present 2xCDr/Art-Zine (Crucial Blast: Blaze13)
That Australian black metal/industrial artist Nekrasov incorporates the aesthetics of harsh noise into his miniature holocausts of hellish speakershred isn't news to anyone who has been following his body of work over the past few years. From the beginning, Nekrasov's mechanized black blasts and sprawling abyssal soundscapes have been infested with the most caustic forms of electronic abuse and frequency terror. But starting with the extremely limited disc In Solitude And Darkness, The Last Step Is Made that came out on Void Séance last year, Nekrasov has now also started to work with the rigid aesthetic of the "wall", sculpting brutal, immersive infernos of extreme static noise that are reminiscent of Vomir. The mindset is certainly similar; going for extremely long unbroken tracks of churning high density distortion that remains unrelenting and unchanging, Nekrasov's efforts in HNW drag me down into the same sort of depressed, lightless Zen state that the French master is so adept at invoking. This is no small feat. In Solitude was a successful first effort in the field of HNW from the artist, and now follows that with a new two-disc set called The Ever-Present that we have issued on our Crucial Blaze sub-label. This set offers more massive black walls of rushing static noise, with two half hour long pieces on the first disc, and a single monolithic track on the second disc that stretches out for over an hour. Each of these tracks is formed from varied frequency levels and different approaches to texture, shifting in tone and extremity as the listener moves from one track to the next, but it all flows together rather seamlessly as an exercise in intense, super heavy trance-blast. In addition, deep listening reveals myriad sonic events and nuked drones that swarm deep within the maelstrom of The Ever-Present, and the monolithic "III" in particular ventures into more detailed regions of noise where fragments of grinding rhythmic clank, smoldering static riffs, and howling blackened melodies can be heard buried underneath the roaring inferno. It's the the heaviest slab of "pure" noise work that we've heard from Nekrasov so far, that's for sure. Fans of the band's more "black metal" centric work are warned that when we describe this as a noise album, we're not kidding. But for fans of HNW and Nekrasov's more abstract industrial side, The Ever-Present is a crushing experience. The two discs are packaged inside of the clear dvd-style case like all Crucial Blaze titles, and include a sticker, 1" pin, and a twenty-eight page zine filled with black and white collage art, with murky, inky visions of all-devouring blackness, carcinogenic landscapes, cathedral-like tumor masses, amoebic growths, and Watchers from behind the shadows. Hand-numbered and limited to two hundred copies.. $5.0
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Netherworld - Zastrugi CD (Glacial Movements: Iceberg1)
The first chapter of this series is "Zastrugi" - the first techno glacial album by Netherworld. It's a wind-eroded, hard-packed snow surface with irregular grooves and sharp ridges that is mostly found in the earth’s polar regions as well as on high mountains subject to high winds. The ridges, often appearing like frozen waves, form parallel to the prevailing winds and are usually found on windward slopes. The windward surface is usually rough and has a sand-blasted appearance. The snowy surface is very hard and is difficult to cross by foot or on skis. Netherworld aka Alessandro Tedeschi is also the creator and owner of Glacial Movements Records in Rome, Italy. He published several works on various labels such as Fario, Angle Rec, Umbra, and Taalem, The Wire Tapper Series and Glacial Movements with releases like "Morketid" (2007), "Over the Summit" (2011) and "Alchemy of Ice "(2013) .These were critically acclaimed gems of ambient music. In CD Maxi digipak with embossed spot gloss.. $6.0
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New Risen Throne - Whispers of the Approaching Wastefulness (Cyclic Law: 18th Cycle)
The latest offering and first for Cyclic Law of one of Italy's finest Black Ambient master.Great, all encompassing stuff
bleak, desolate and thickly layered with sinister tones, ritual nuances, and textural drifts. The main concept and transpiring feeling of this album and the title "Whispers of the approaching wastefulness" can best be described as the "steps" or "journey" leading to the acknowledgment of the approaching end of all things. "Whispers" represent doubts and thoughts about the prevalent decadence that is around and deep within us and "wastefulness" translates to the imminent, definitive end of all things, to oblivion...The album is divided into 3 chapters: I - Oblivious to unknown threat (first signs) Tracks 1 & 2, II - Acquisition of knowledge (signs) Tracks 3, 4 & 5, III - Advent of a definitive wastefulness (final signs) Track.This Enhanced CD features an Exclusive Bonus video clip of the track "Unknown ( II )" with the first Limited Edition copies presented in a 6 panel textured cardboard sleeve. Recommended!. $9.0
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Nimh - Beyond the Crying Era CD (Winter-Light: WIN021)
Nimh is an avant-garde deep ambient industrial electronic project formed by the multi- instrumentalist and sound designer Giuseppe Verticchio. Nimh has evolved on the territories of truly ecstatic-drone ambient music since the 90s with a vast catalogue of releases published on various independent labels such as Afe, Silentes, Eibon Records. Within a much more sonic industrial direction, Nimh has published complex, intricate releases in collaboration with pioneers of electronic-noise music (Mauthausen Orchestra, Maurizio Bianchi). He is also one half of the Hall Of Mirrors project, alongside Andrea Marutti, having released albums both on Malignant Records and Eibon Records. His music combines a wide spectrum of influences, he has recorded and released many works of different nature containing elements of experimental music, ambient, dark-ambient, industrial, electronic, shoegaze, post rock, folk, isolationism, ritual-ethnic music. On 'Beyond The Crying Era', Nimh has brought together a selection of dark/ambient/experimental tracks. This album is rich with darkened ambient music, created by the use of a cinematic collage of rumbling drone pieces, heavily layered melodic textures, field recordings, voices, sustained sounds and doom-laden guitar. An extended edition of a much shorter version, which was originally released as a vinyl LP limited to 100 copies. The tracks have been recorded over a 10 year period. All tracks compiled for 'Beyond The Crying Era' have been carefully re-edited and remastered for this CD release, on the Winter-Light label.. $5.0
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Nimh & Antikatechon - Out Hunting For Teeth (Rage in Eden: Rage97)
I'll say this - the first track from this collaborative disc between Nimh (Giuseppe Verticchio of Hall of Mirrors) and Italian dark ambient artist Antikatechon is pure brilliance. One of the best tracks I've heard all year; dynamic and penetrating power drones that build to an intense climax of layered sounds and caustic vibrations, reminiscent of the best Navicon and Theologian work. Stunning, especially at high volume. The proceeding four tracks don't achieve the same level, but this is still a very solid release of organic textures, hypnotic loops, buried melodies, and passages of quiet ambience intersecting with deeper reverberations.. $7.0
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Nocturne - Terroriser Manipuler Convaincre (Old Europa Café: OECD082)
Concept album built around the figure of Doctor "Mabuse" the anti-hero of Norbert Jacques's novel, the genius of crime and chaos, the genius of finance in a slow falling world in the first part of 1900 . Slow moving tracks using all analogue equipment mixed with sounds from the beginning of the last century and many samples in German taken from the legenadry movie, as well as french vocals. Brooding soundscapes with low level frequencies and grinding, monolithic drones. Develops nicely, getting more tension filled and oppressived as it goes. Nocturne initially started as sort of a Les Joyaux de la Princesse rip off, and its nice to see them develop their own identity. Oversized 7" cover plus inserts.. $5.0
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Nordvargr - The Secret Barbarous Names CD (Malignant: TumorCD102)
Active since the late '80s as a member of MZ.412 and Pouppée Fabrikk, few names within the realm of dark industrial and blackened ambient carry more weight and presence than Sweden's mighty Nordvargr. Though side projects Muskel and Koerperwelten have been released on Malignant, The Secret Barbarous Names is the first solo recording done for the label, and Nordvargr's first physical release since 2013's The Dromopoda Transmissions on Old Europa Café. A vocal based work inspired by the Draconian and Typhonian traditions, the title refers to the hidden meanings of the countless manuscripts that have been kept secret for millennia - their supposed effectiveness resting in their utterance, not their meaning. The words of power, vibrated at the correct frequency and amplitude in the correct setting and time, have the power to manifest anything. As such, these are an incredibly haunting and formidable invocations, built upon richly timbered, incantatory vocals and deep, liturgical chants, and occasionally augmented by ominous orchestral swell and ritual percussion. All of it is endlessly stretched out into lightless passages of primordial malevolence and suffocating dread, completing an album that will stand out as a highlight, even within such a lofty and illustrious discography as Nordvargrs. Lavishly packaged in a digipak designed by Margaux Renaudin (Anima Nostra). . $6.0
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Nordvargr + Trepaneringsritualen (ᚾᛟᚢ II // ᚦᛟᚦ ᚷᛁᚷ ) - Beta Ænigma CD (Old Europa Café: OECD304)
What was supposed to be a one-off collaboration returns again, spitting more vitriol into the face of the world.ᚾᛟᚢ II // ᚦᛟᚦ ᚷᛁᚷ is Henrik Nordvargr Björkk (MZ.412 / Folkstorm...) and Thomas Ekelund (Trepaneringsritualen) performing a pure ritualistic form of music, if you could call it that. These ritual sounds are once again to be considered a living curse, one that spirals out of control and gains more momentum for every time it is recited/played.Let the atmosphere guide you to places you would never find on your own, and open up to the formulae of submission and madness, a deep and obscured abyss of unknown pleasure and pains.. $9.0
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Northumbria - Vinland CD (Cryo Chamber: Cryo103)
Vinland is the third and last album in Northumbria’s trilogy inspired by the Norse discovery of Canada. The journey was long and hard, you lost good men sailing across the never ending sea, but now you stand on foreign land. The father of gods watches over you as his ravens circle the funeral pyre to bring his warriors home. The rocks here emanate a low hum, the silent wind carries the scent of honey and at nightly camp bestial cries echo between the mountains. Your men speak in hushed voices as the dark creeps close, they mutter about this being the territory of new gods. This dreamy land is getting to your people, some men wake screaming in the blackest hour from visions delivered by the dark below. But for you this expedition is one of enlightenment, the fresh rivers fill your mouth with the light of Yggdrasil, forests carry whispers from the mead halls beyond and as such have you convinced that this is the pathway between the worlds of gods and men. Using guitar and bass, and recording their improvised compositions live, Jim Field and Dorian Williamson create a deep textured sound world. Evoking the ancient wonder that the Norse explorers must have felt discovering Vinland, the Windswept Land.. $8.0
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Nubiferous - Mana (Post Tenebrous Musica: PTM01)
“Mana” is a missing link in the chain of Nubiferous releases: these recordings, made in 2011 have never been released until now by force of circumstances. This album initiated experiments with acoustic musical instruments adding archaic and folk colours to the sound canvas of Nubiferous that harmonizes with the album concept: “mana” is a supernatural force or power that may be ascribed to persons, animals, inanimate objects or spirits. 70 minutes of pure and natural ritualistic dark ambient, reminiscent of early Wolfskin or Aural Hypnox. Comes in a handnumbered 4-panel A5 Digifile limited to 499 pieces designed with the author's photographs.. $5.0
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NYIÞ - ᛬ᚢᛁᛋᚿᛁ•ᚼᛆᛏᛁ•ᚼᚱᛅ᛬ 2CD (Cyclic Law: 182ndCycle)
Elusive Icelandic stalwarts NYIÞ present "᛬ᚢᛁᛋᚿᛁ•ᚼᛆᛏᛁ•ᚼᚱᛅ᛬". We've collected NYIÞ's (pronounced Neeth) first four releases from 2011 to 2019; a trilogy of tapes and material from a split album, into a unique whole. Cohesion is woven throughout the tape trilogy by a thread of curse-poetry. "Til eru hræ sem hafa aldrei verið menn og munu aldrei verða þó þau lifi enn" is a perversion of a nationally beloved poem on death acceptance. "Hati þá guð og helgir englar allir" is an invocation from a 17th century grimoire, petitioning God, alongside a multitude of other natural and super-natural entities, to hate the utterer's enemies. "Visni þitt hold svo betur megi hæfa þeim hug sem það hýsir" is a toast to the misfortune of the most deserving; literally 'Thy flesh wither, the better to suit the mind it houses'. "Caput Mortum", the final release represented in this anthology, breaks thematically with the preceding tape trilogy. Inward-looking and devoid of lyrical content, its two offerings, whose titles may be translated as Root and Maelstrom respectively, allude to sub-surface phenomena, stability and churning chaos. Artwork by Heresie. Edition of 300 copies in 8 panels Digisleeve, matt lamination. CD1; 6 tracks, Running Time 47:02. CD2; 5 Tracks, Running Time 57:14. $16.33
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Nyodene D - Edenfall (Malignant: TumorCD57)
Founded in 2008, Nyodene D has quickly risen in the ranks to become one of America’s premier death industrial/power electronics acts. Each release shows Nyodene D becoming stronger and stronger, capturing the essence of the true old school aesthetic, yet taking it to new realms of intensity and physicality. The 6 tracks on Edenfall are rife with the threat of violence… harrowing, yet majestic in its scope, with scraps of heaving scrap metal and searing tones intersecting with walls of thick, corrosive synth noise and defiant vocals. What separates this from the pack though is its sense of composition and structure, even as it ratchets up into near impossible levels of ferocity, the sounds barely contained as they reach a fevered pitch. Tracks like Nihilation and Borne On Vulture’s Beak show the roots of some of Aaron’s influences, moving into a more unsettling, restrained style of European power electronics, channeling Ex.Order and IRM, with a slower, more surreptitious attack. As a whole, this has to be considered one of the more essential heavy electronic releases ever released under the Malignant banner. Features appearances by Shift, Sky Burial, and Rope of American war metal band Prosanctus Inferi and supreme death metal band Father Befouled. Comes in a full color digipak with lyrics and booklet, with photographs from Stephen Petrus and layout and design courtesy of Andre Coelho of Sektor 304. . $5.0
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Nytt Land - The Last War CDEP (Infinite Fog: KSZ11)
This release by one of the greatest 'Nordic' folk bands, Nytt Land, first saw the light of day in the form of a digital self-release in 2016. It is finally presented for the first time here on physical media. On the track 'Drakkar', Nytt Land are joined by Siberian ambient-folk legends Liholesie. A great many instruments were used here, including: tagelharpa, frame-drum, flutes, jew-harp, tin whistle, drums, and, as witnessed on their acclaimed Cold Spring releases, special throat singing. Over 25 mins of music. Digipak.. $10.0
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