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O Saala Sakraal - Heven CD (Cyclic Law: 176thCycle)
2nd offering from this enigmatic Dutch collective. "Heven" is an attempt at the restoration of a primordial condition and it seeks to aid in the cleansing and expulsion of the dogmatic metaphysical corruption that is dominated in todays mass religions. It also serves as an act of rebellion against the remnants of the cultural, spiritual and psychological perversion, denial and nihilism that were systematically introduced into the populations that were led astray by said religions. Track 1; Moth Melismata: Photophilia is intended to mock both the concept of the true light as the metaphysical beacon of truth and virtue and its followers who show a lack of grounded/organic self-orientation. Track 2; Apokatastasis reinstates quaternity (or fourness) and dismantles the diseased trinity that it was replaced with via bursts of singular liminal events. And Tracks 3; Heven: Etherwende | Aardwrocht reunifies the cthonic and ethereal and heralds the advent of an unwritten future, true to our inevitable departure. Central in all pieces is the four piece choir, next to the familiar extended/vast percussion section and acoustic drone weaving. All tracks are partly improvised guided by compositional cues. O Saala Sakraal focuses on textural changes, sometimes organic and evolving, sometimes abrupt and overwhelming. One in a series of attempts at restoration. An eager moth singed by the light of the divisive mind. An attempt to rebuild fourness out of a malformed trinity through the one. All this is ending. Return.. $14.33
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Of Earth and Sun - Uncoiled CD (Malignant: TumorCD87)
A new entry into the Malignant family, Of Earth and Sun is the project of Denver based Matthew Hunzeker, who skillfully utilizes a variety of both organic and electronic instrumentation ranging from bone trumpets, vocals, oscillators, and drum machines to create impressive soundscapes of heavily ritualistic inspired drones and intoxicating, near cataclysmic invocations. These are not intimate, candle-lit ruminations, but something that operates on a much grander, more corporeal level. As Hunzeker describes it, "the music plunges listeners into the depths of the supernatural; into a completely inhospitable environment from the point of view of human understanding, acquiring a dark psychedelic sound verging on noise and doom, which transforms into an unfathomable inner cavity of mystic and ritual symbolism that viscerally affects the energies flowing in the body and mind". At first, the 9 tracks that comprise Uncoiled seem monolithic and almost overpoweringly dense, but repeated listens reveal them to be intensely hypnotic and mesmerizing, often times starting with singular, elongated vocalizations or slow motion thrums that rapidly blossom into a cascade of swarming drones and thumping pulsations. By the end, they've been transformed into a consuming mass of saturated, turbulent sound, falling somewhere between the visceral, immersive nature of Theologian and the meditative, organic darkness of Halo Manash. Skillfully assembled and evocative, what Of Earth and Sun create is immersive, heavy, and riveting, and represents a unique new vision onto the scene.. $5.0
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Of Spire & Throne - Sanctum of the Light CD (Aesthetic Death: ADCD032)
The spirit and the self via riffs, space and slow bludgeoning says their Facebook page and that is the essential truth. Of Spire & Throne understand space and texture like few others. They have a Neurosis like grasp of dynamics and tempo and the intensity of a silence held. They know when the unified bludgeon should pull apart and let the separate instruments bask in the crepuscular spotlights; both drums and bass used superbly as leads here and there, pushing the progressive qualities. They have that Earth instinct of when to just ride the riff and when to slide from it. With their debut they have carried on into the textured landscape of their Toll Of The Wound so and have created a sonic space, a sanctum, where light and shade, noise and delicacy, utter monolithic bludgeon and imaginative progression intertwine beautifully. ItâÃÂÃÂs art, yes, but it its still emotional, compelling, dizzying music beautifully executed. Ave Noctum Zine.. $5.0
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Olhon - Sinkhole (Eibon: OHL062)
2nd CD from Olhon, the cooperative project of Massimo Magrini (Bad Sector) and Zairo (Where). "Sinkhole" was composed using original field recordings taken mainly underwater in the "Pozzo del Merro", the world's deepest sinkhole just outside of Rome. The result is an extremely organic dark ambient journey of 10 tracks, starting at the entrance (dry section) and descending beyond 400 meters in depth to unexplored regions. Using special microphones and sensing hardware, the recorded sounds were then treated in studio using basic processing; pitch shifting, filtering, reverberating, mixing and fading. Appropriately, this gets darker and more claustrophobic as it goes, with deep, resonant tones, eerie, alien noises, and some pretty dynamic washes of sound and breathy pulsations. Cool stuff. Presented in a nice full colour digisleeve.. $12.0
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Olhon - Underwater Passage (Eibon: OHL075)
"Underwater Passage" is based upon underwater recordings taken in 2006 by Zairo (Where), which were then treated by Massimo Magrini (Bad Sector). These recordings were taken using special sensing microphones attached to an abandoned telephone cable running on the seabed at -40m. They were then processed with particular demodulating treatments, resulting in a complex and rich ambiental monument, with strange clicks, impulses and a lot of movement. Definitely far from the usual concept of dark ambient, "Underwater Passage" shimmers with cutting mid / high frequencies bursts. Digipak. $12.0
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Otavan Veret - Syvys CD (Cyclic Law: 112thCycle)
"Syvys” is the second demonstration of how Finland’s OTAVAN VERET decipher the pulse of the great cosmic filaments. The radiation from the distant otherness takes audible form in four pieces of ethereal, pulsating atmospherics, where the multitude of transmissions is implemented via a curious amalgam of electronic and acoustic sources operated by Kaarna & XVL. As a result "Syvys” reflects the many phases of a stellar journey in a dreamlike state, encountering both enchantment and anxiousness.. $14.5
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